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  • for-MDI
  • Deinstitutionalization Network - MDI

Deinstitutionalization Network - MDI

We are happy to hear that deinstitutionalization (DI) has been recognized as an important concept in thematic networks. We will thus be able to use our project, entitled Deinstitutionalization Network MDI, to connect social welfare NGOs that promote DI, provide or plan to provide community-based services, or see these services as their ultimate goal or point of interest. DI is a political and a social process that enables individuals to make a transition from institutional care to community-based living. DI is possible when a person who lives in an institution has the option to leave it and gain control over their life through community-based services, so they can live just like everybody else, regardless of their physical, sensory, intellectual, or mental health issues and disabilities.

Institutional care and segregated living of individuals within various institutions constitute a violation of human rights.

The goal of MDI is to unite all NGOs that deal with DI, improve their situation, strengthen their resources, and add to their knowledge base, as well as to increase their role and influence on the development of DI. NGOs with common goals will be stronger when working together, and our strength in advocating for common goals and policy-making will be far superior. The diversity of the included organisations, as well as of our users and their experience, will lead to the formation of high-quality community-based services. We will also use our joint effort to stop institutional practices and methods from intruding into the field of NGOs.